이주배경 청소년 지원재단

Improving awareness

That lives along with migrant youth with the awareness improvement business.

Youth multi-cultural sensitivity improvement program

Youth multi-cultural sensitivity improvement program (DAGAGAM) is 12 sessions program that can strengthen the global citizen competency
so that youth can relate and communicate harmoniously with others in various cultural environment.

DAGAGAM program is operated in the visiting education type in which the elementary, middle school and youth institution nationwide apply for and the professional lecturers are dispatched.

DAGAGAM program allows for youth to improve the awareness and attitude on the variety and to create the educational environment in which all the youth can grow together, and at the same time,
we are making the social community in which ‘difference’ becomes not discrimination but possibility”

다가감 캐릭터 송이, 랑이, 퐁이

다가감 캐릭터 송이, 랑이, 퐁이